Job is a book all about one man’s response to the suffering he undergoes. Job’s faith in God is put under the spotlight as his life falls apart as he loses his family, possessions and health. The account of the interchanges between Job and his friends covers many different themes but it is peppered with revelation of who God is and what He is like. Chapter 19:25-26 could be described as the high watermark of the book as Job articulates a significant truth about God.
In verse 25 Job declares, ‘My Redeemer lives and at the last He will take His stand on the earth’. This is significant on a number of fronts. Firstly, the Redeemer is alive! Job is not basing his hope of redemption on something abstract or remote. His hope is in the Living God as his Redeemer! The redemption he talks about is that he will be justified in some way. He has earlier declared that God is his witness and advocate (see 16:19) and so when the charges are read against him he will be vindicated. This thought is now included in the idea of his redemption.
Secondly, the Redeemer will stand on the earth. At the end of all things, the Redeemer will arrive and take His stand on the earth. Not just stand on the earth, but take His stand. There is a combative element as the Redeemer deals with anything that is going to jeopardise the redemption.
Thirdly, Job believes that there is life after death which he will experience, and he will obtain a renewed body of some sort. In verse 26 he says, ‘Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God.'
Fourthly, Job believes he will see God. That is incredible, given that no-one was meant to able to see God and live! In contrast, Job believes that his Redeemer will become visible to him after his life on earth is finished.
It sounds to me like Job has caught a significant glimpse of Jesus, the Great Redeemer, and the work He will do in our redemption and in guaranteeing our future resurrection!
Further reading: 1 Corinthians 15:50-57 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
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To think about:
Job received a significant revelation of Jesus as Redeemer. What revelation of Jesus have you received recently and how has this affected your relationship with Him?
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