The prophet Hosea calls out, ‘When Israel was a youth I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son’ (v1). This draws our minds back to the events immediately following the Passover. The Passover was where the firstborn son in each Egyptian household died while each Israelite household was protected by the blood of the lamb. This led to the miracle of the Israelites being encouraged by Pharaoh and the Egyptians to leave their country (Exodus 12:29-51).
This release from Egypt is a defining narrative within the context of Scripture and the history of God’s people. The Israelites left slavery, bondage and fear and embarked on a journey that would bring them to a land of life, freedom and promise. However, this was not an ingenious human plan. This was the call of God to a nation: ‘Out of Egypt I called My son’ (v1).
Upon leaving Egypt things were by no means simple. There was still the rather large problem of the Red Sea, which God miraculously parted to allow the people through (see Exodus 14,15), and the fact that the land they were to inhabit was currently occupied. However, God did not let this fledgling nation stumble in the wilderness. Instead He took them in His arms and demonstrated a deep fatherly love for them (vv3,4). He cared for the nation, nourished and fed them, nurtured and loved them, and eventually led them into their inheritance.
In Matthew 2:13-15 we read that Joseph went down to Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus as they fled from Herod. Matthew quotes Hosea 11:1 which, as we have seen, echoes the great rescue of the nation which God had brought about centuries beforehand.
It transpires, then, that this seminal event where God rescues His people out of Egypt actually points forward to a time when God will call His very own Son out of exile in Egypt. Only, by supreme divine twist, this time the rescue is not of the person coming out of Egypt. Instead the rescue will be by the One coming out of Egypt.
The Son is called out of Egypt in order to rescue others!
Further reading: Matthew 2:13-15
Worship video:
The story behind the song:
Took me out of Egypt
To think about:
Think about how God rescued you. How did God take you in His arms and show His love for you?
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Artwork from Jubilee Kids |
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