The Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon) is a beautiful book, full of the language and description of romantic love between a king and his bride. The whole book is a celebration of love. The story is poetic and describes a period of courtship of lovers as well as the marriage day itself. It tells of the mutual enjoyment, physical attraction and sexual intimacy they share. It tells of the deep emotional connection of couple in love and of their pain when separated.
Part of the story is a description of the wedding feast. The groom comes into view in his splendour:
‘Go forth, O daughters of Zion,
And gaze on King Solomon with the crown
With which his mother has crowned him
On the day of his wedding,
And on the day of the gladness of his heart.’ (3:11)
And he is matched by his bride:
‘How beautiful you are, my darling,
How beautiful you are!...
You are altogether beautiful, my darling,
And there is no blemish in you.’ (4:1,7)
This book is so clearly about the love and attraction a bride and groom have towards each other during courtship and marriage. Yet, as we saw last time, marriage is a picture of Christ and the church. So when we read Song of Songs this aspect also comes into view.
Ultimately a day will come when the Lamb will be married to His bride (see Rev 19:7) who will appear perfect and prepared for her husband (v8). There will then be a party, a feast - the marriage supper of the Lamb (v9) where we will see Song of Songs 2:4 fully fulfilled: ‘He has brought me to his banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.’ The book of Revelation goes on to describe the bride of the Lamb in more detail in chapter 21 where she appears as a gloriously perfect city (21:9,10) with walls and streets of gold, foundations of precious stones and gates of pearls (vv15-21).
She will be an awesome sight.
A breath-taking vision.
A bride fit for the eternal King of Kings.
Further reading: Revelation 19:7-10 & 21:1-21
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To think about:
What aspects of the description of the bride of Christ have caught your attention as you read these passages? How can we prepare ourselves to be the bride of Christ?
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