In this blog we have been moving through the Old Testament in the order we find in our Bibles. However, this week we are going back to the creation account. As we saw previously in the Creation post, God created the universe and within that he made man and woman in His own image (Genesis 1:26,27). Genesis 2 gives further detail of how God, seeing that Adam needed to have a companion in order for him to be able to carry out the task God had given him to do, created an equal being called ‘Woman’.
When the woman was created (vv21,22) and brought to Adam it is fair to say that he became quite excited (v23). He had never seen anything quite like her before! She was a creation made in God’s image, just like Adam, and they were created for each other.
The author of Genesis then sets up the principle of marriage by saying, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh’ (v24). This picture of marriage involves the leaving of one’s parents in order to form a new family unit where husband and wife are physically joined together in marriage. This provides a context for companionship, mutual support, sexual intimacy and the raising of children.
In Ephesians 5:22-33 Paul writes about marriage. He describes wives submitting to their husbands, just as the church submits to Christ as head of the church. He then describes the love which husbands should have for their wives. A husband should demonstrate love that:
- is self-sacrificial and willing to sacrifice all for his wife (v25),
- desires to see his wife increasingly reflect Jesus (vv26, 27),
- is as equally concerned about his wife as he is about himself (v28), and
- wants to nourish and cherish his wife and seek her well-being and flourishing (vv29,30).
He then quotes Genesis 2:24 which we read earlier before saying, ‘This mystery is great; but I am speaking about Christ and the church’ (v31). Ultimately, then, this bringing together of man and woman in marriage is a picture of Christ and the church.
I find it amazing that so early on in Scripture we see marriage described and within it a clear glimpse of Jesus. We should also continue to see this reflection of Jesus and the church around us every day whenever we see a marriage.
Further reading: Ephesians 5:22-33
Worship Video:
To think about:
What aspects of marriage reflect the relationship of Christ and the church? How realistic is it to for a husband to love his wife ‘as Christ loved the church’ and what would this look like?
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Original photo by Jalene Dort. Journal page by Bernice |
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