Blog Outline

In 52 brief snapshots we will try to paint a picture of Jesus as hinted at, indicated, outlined and glimpsed in the Old Testament. We will not be providing a comprehensive study but we hope it will be both accessible and helpful to you and serve to deepen both your understanding of, and relationship with, the greatest man who ever lived.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

The bronze serpent

Numbers 21:4-9

Following the exodus from Egypt, the people of Israel spent some time travelling around the wilderness before God allowed them into the Promised Land. During this wandering the inherent rebelliousness of the people was highlighted again and again. On the occasion described in this chapter the people became impatient with God and Moses and complained about the journey, the lack of water and the quality of the food (vv4,5). God, in His merciful provision, had given the people manna to eat day after day. They never went hungry. But the people quickly forgot this and complained.

Their grumbling and rebellion resulted in God sending some poisonous snakes amongst the people which bit them and caused many to die (v6). The judgment caused the people to come to their senses, realise that they had sinned and they asked Moses for help (v7). Moses prayed for the people. God told him to build a bronze serpent, hoist it up on a pole so that the people could see it and when a person was bitten by a snake all they had to do was look at the snake and they would not die (v8). Moses made the serpent and the people who looked at the snake lived (v9).

This story provides us with a wonderful picture of salvation in Jesus. When Jesus is talking with the Jewish teacher Nicodemus He says, ‘As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man (i.e. me!) be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life’ (John 3:14,15).

There are two elements to this. Firstly, the Son of Man will be lifted up, elevated, in such a way as to be observed by the people. Secondly, all someone has to do to live is to look at Him. No other action is necessary. The Israelites didn’t even need to move towards the snake - all they had to do was look. For us by looking at the crucified Christ a person is demonstrates that they have faith in God’s means of salvation and so is saved!

Further reading:    John 3:1-21

Worship video:

To think about:
Think back to the time that you accepted Jesus and received salvation.  How did your life change?

Creative Response:
Journal page by Bernice

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